Happy Club: The ‘lifeline’ social group

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You’ve been in the church hall for 10 minutes or so when a man, dark haired and dishevelled, possibly worse for wear through alcohol, walks in.

You’re in the middle of a conversation with Danny Sloggett when he politely excuses himself to meet the visitor.

Danny has a quick chat with the man near the entrance hall before shouting out to the 20 or so people gathered inside the hall that the visitor is homeless.

“Can anybody spare a bed for the night?” Danny asks.

You see at least five hands go up instantly.

“There you go,” Danny says to the man. “You’ve got options.”

No council housing assessment, no red tape, no hesitation. 

The homeless man will have a roof over his head. At least for tonight.

This is the Jaywick Sands Happy Club. These are some of the members.