
Covid-19 School decision: It’s like the Vicar of Dibley – no, no, no, no… yes.

The following piece was publishd on the BBC News website on 5 January, 2021. Thousands of pupils expecting to return to school in Essex learned…

Take-off | Landing

Poplar pollen leaving the tree. Where some of the pollen landed at the threshold of our front lawn. Or, below, and alternative version.  

Linhof Super Technika: Wheat and flowers

Mr Carl Zeiss Tessar 105 has become virtually unusable with extreme balsam separation spreading out across the glass. So I bought another one, even older,…

Places: Porto

Fresh back from Porto, Portugal. The city, full of heave and attitude, where the stunning and decrepit sit side by side, is a compact pumping…

Leaf frozen into a leaf

I was very pleased to have spotted these leaves ossified by frost. It took me a couple of seconds to see beyond their sumptuous autumnal…

Fertility and aphrodisiacs in the 17th Century

I’m a bit old fashioned. I grew up on letters rather than email and I can still remember the excitement of opening my first ever,…

High contrast and a 10-stop filter at Skinningrove Beach

My dad got me hooked on photography. He had a Nikon FE and a Nikon FM when I was about six and he turned the…